Western Loudoun Lacrosse (WLL) is a youth organization comprised of registered members, Board members, coaches and parents. We exist to enable youth from Leesburg, Purcellville, Round Hill, Lovettsville and all areas west of HWY15 to learn, grow, and develop skills via lacrosse competition. The administrators, coaches, parents, and spectators should never lose focus that the main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness that serves the best interests of the overall majority of the children who participate in our program.
Registration will open for the Spring 2025 is NOW OPEN!
The following age groups are on waitlist:
3/4 Girls SOLD OUT
7/8 Girls Waitlist
Add yourself to the waitlist HERE
The Season Schedule for 2025 will be:
PLEASE NOTE: The boys regular season games are usually played on Saturdays; girls regular season games are usually played on Sundays. However, due to scheduling and field availably games could be either day. Due to scheduling/field availability issues, 2025 teams will have at least ONE double-header weekend (games played on Saturday and Sunday in
a given weekend).
We've are hoping to up our game this coming Winter and Spring and have recently joined the Twitter-sphere and have a new Instagram profile along with our current Facebook page.
Be sure to Like & Follow our social media accounts - they can be found on the right hand side of the home page.
Inclement Weather Field Status is Now Online
In the event of inclement weather, please check the following site for field status: